Submission of scientific works can be a daunting experience for many.
With so many different steps, formats, and rules to follow, it’s easy for authors to feel overwhelmed before making a single keystroke. From research journals to competition entries, here are detailed guidelines for science submission that will help you confidently place your scientific works in the right places.
What is a Science Submission?
A science submission is a piece of work produced by an individual or a team of people, with the aim of submitting it in its entirety to a journal, database, website or competition. Science submissions can be a variety of works, such as reports, papers, surveys and so on.
Formatting Guidelines
One of the first steps in a successful science submission is formatting. This ensures that the submitted document will align with the requirements of the outlet to which it is being submitted. The main visuals such as headers, footers, titles, as well as subheadings, should be consistent throughout the entire submission. The font size, type, margins, and line-spacing should also be taken into careful consideration. Keeping the formatting consistent across the entire document elevates the professionalism of the submission and increases its chances of approval.
Platform Availability
The next step for a science submission is to recognize the outlets to which a work can be submitted. Depending on the type of work, a person or team can submit their submissions to various outlets, such as research journals, competitions, and more. Different platforms have different rules and regulations, so getting to know which venues are available and applicable to the work being submitted is essential.
Research Journals
When a science submission is composed as a research paper, then research journals are the most obvious and common outlet. An author should try to aim their paper towards an outlet that best suits and benefits the research it attempts to reflect. Relevant keywords should be used and the document should have been thoroughly revised and reviewed by those familiar with the topic.Making sure that the study is accurately and effectively communicated is key when submitting the paper to a journal.
If a team or person is submitting work as part of a competition, then the submission should be composed with the same accuracy and detail as that of a research paper, as well as aiming to adhere to any specific rules given for the competition. Pay special attention to any dates and deadlines stated, ensuring submission is made before the cutoff time. Depending on the competition, sometimes extra hardware or software must be included with the submission in order to execute the demonstration.
Benefits of Science Submission
The benefits of a successful science submission can be highly rewarding, and this reward can come in a variety of forms. Not only does submitting documents to legitimate and accurate outlets help with establishing one’s credentials as a scientist, but any successful approvals or rewards from a venue prove that the work produced is of a high and professional standard. In addition, the knowledge gained from research and other work submitted to various outlets can be used to advance future projects, as well as helping support the professional development of an individual.
Submitting work to various outlets and applications can be an intimidating process, but it doesn’t have to be. By knowing the different types of formats and outlets, one can successfully submit their documents and works to help them grow and improve as a scientist, while also potentially gaining awards or recognition for their efforts. Taking on this challenge will not only help advance your professional goals, but it will also demonstrate the hard work, diligence and ability that you possess.