The Ancient Egyptian civilization was one of the most influential and celebrated cultures in the history of humankind. Spanning thousands of years, their legacy is still visible today in many aspects of life around the world, from art and architecture to education and even medicine. From the iconic heretic god and His controversial views to the majestic beauty of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the accomplishments and achievements of the ancient Egyptians have captivated individuals from around the world for centuries. In this article, we will examine their lasting influence, explore the innovative and creative ways they shaped our world, and discuss how their accomplishments have impacted modern-day life.
A Brief History
The Ancient Egyptian civilization is believed to have developed in 3,000 BC, making it one of the oldest known cultures in history. During this time, their society was highly structured and ruled by powerful pharaohs such as Cleopatra and Tutankhamun. Ancient Egypt was also divided into two sections, known as Upper and Lower Egypt. In the years following their emergence, the ancient Egyptians developed their culture further, with well-known advancements in architecture, engineering, and mathematics being visible in impressive monuments like the pyramids of Giza. As the years passed, Ancient Egypt saw a period of decline and its power was diminished as other civilizations rose to power.
Tremendous Accomplishments
The notable legacy of Ancient Egypt can still be seen today in different aspects of life. Here are some of the major accomplishments that the civilization achieved during their time:
Architecture: Ancient Egyptians were known to be master builders. They are credited with building tremendous monuments, including several of the world’s most famous: the Pyramids of Giza. In addition, the ancient Egyptians developed complex irrigation systems, dams, and canals. These developments provided them with the resources needed to sustain their population.
Art and Hieroglyphs: Ancient Egypt is also well-known for its magnificent art and design. Famous artefacts like the mask of Tutankhamun and the Great Sphinx of Giza have captivated the imagination of millions, and remain some of the most iconic art pieces in the world. The ancient Egyptians also invented the written language of hieroglyphs, which have been credited for their use in religious texts and for their symbolic contributions to modern-day science.
Mathematics and Astronomy: Ancient Egypt is also famous for its innovative use of mathematics. They developed a method of using fractions and operations like multiplication and division which would later be refined by the Greeks. Ancient Egyptian astronomers also pioneered the understanding of the stars, planets, and galaxies in the universe. This knowledge helped the Egyptians develop calendars and accurately predict seasonal cycles.
Medicine: Ancient Egyptians are also credited with pioneering medical treatments and practices. During this time, they had developed a system of doctors, healers, and priests that allowed them to use a form of preventative medicine. Their treatments ranged from setting broken bones and applying herbal treatments to performing successful surgeries.
Irrigation: The ancient Egyptians also made major advancements in water management and irrigation. This allowed them to increase agricultural production, which in turn provided them with the resources needed to sustain their flourishing population and developments.
Impact in the Modern-Day
The lasting influence of Ancient Egypt can still be felt in many aspects of modern-day life. Here are some of the ways that their accomplishments have impacted society today:
Architecture: Imitations of the structures built by Ancient Egypt can be found all over the world, with the most notable being the Great Pyramid of Giza. Additionally, many of the construction methods used by the ancient Egyptians have been adapted or have inspired modern architecture. Additionally, concepts like symmetry and harmony have been adapted from Ancient Egyptian culture and can be found in modern-day structures.
Mathematics: Ancient Egyptian mathematics has served as the foundation for many of the mathematical principles and theories that are used in modern-day calculations. This includes the use of fractions, Pythagorean theory, and even early versions of the number zero.
Medicine: Several medical treatments used in modern-day have been adapted from ancient Egyptian practices. This includes the use of mummification, which has been instrumental in preserving important artefacts and human bodies for science and education. Additionally, the use of preventative medical treatments, and even the idea of hygiene, were pioneered by the ancient Egyptians.
Art and Hieroglyphs: Ancient Egyptian art continues to be a source of inspiration for many modern-day artists. Additionally, the use of hieroglyphs has shaped the development of written language, which has formed the basis for symbols and myths featured in many cultures today.
While the ancient Egyptian civilization has slowly declined over thousands of years, its legacy continues to live on today. The impressive structures, pioneering developments, and impactful accomplishments of the ancient Egyptians have greatly shaped our world for centuries, and will continue to live on for many years to come. From the iconic structures of the Pyramids of Giza to the written language of hieroglyphs, we have the Ancient Egyptians to thank for many of the comforts and advancements that we enjoy in the modern-day.